With Acu-Current Therapy, most people see a significant positive change in three to six sessions and often within the first session. It gives you the ability to successfully treat conditions that are challenging or impossible to treat with other modalities. Patients will get better more quickly with the addition of Acu-Current Therapy. It provides you with:
- Increased ability to restore range of motion to joints
- Tendons and ligaments released much more successfully because the Dolphin Neurostim is able to access points surrounding tendons and ligaments better than acupuncture needles
- Adding stretches during treatment releases the points more completely than acupuncture alone
- Increased local treatment options: Multiple points in an area can be treated at several depths of tightness and multiple angles or vectors
- More complete release of local points lets you focus acupuncture on underlying or constitutional issues, as well as meridian treatments
- More patient acceptable treatment of sensitive areas such as the scalp, near the eyes, near scars, or on the face
- An alternative treatment for sensitive patients including children, elderly people, or people who don’t want acupuncture

- Better ergonomics for the practitioner that saves wear and tear on the practitioner’s fingers, thumbs, neck and back
Unique Features of Acu-Current Therapy
- Combines treatment of tendons, ligaments and joints with treatment of acupuncture points and muscles
- Each Acu-Current Therapy point releases restrictions in joint motion
- The Dolphin Neurostim releases point tightness very quickly – often within 20 seconds.
- Adding stretches during treatment releases the points more completely for longer lasting effects

Acu-Current Therapy integrates components of many therapies.
- Similar to acupuncture, Acu-Current Therapy uses points
- Acu-Current Therapy adds microcurrent stimulation of points with the Dolphin Neurostim
- Similar to myofascial release or other manual or massage therapies, Acu-Current Therapy targets tight, shortened muscles and fascia to relax and lengthen them
- Similar to some manual therapies, Acu-Current Therapy reduces tension on joints to increase joint range of motion
Your patients can benefit from using Acu-Current Therapy at home
For chronic pain patients, daily home treatment of Acu-Current Therapy will increase the benefits of both your acupuncture and Acu-Current Therapy treatments.
Even if you are too busy to add this to your practice, your patients can still get the benefits. Encourage your patients use Acu-Current Therapy at home.
It is being used by many people at home with their family members and is an excellent complementary therapy to use in conjunction with acupuncture.
Start Training in Acu-Current Therapy
Ready to get started with Acu-Current Therapy? We offer comprehensive online training in the Acu-Current method that is suitable for both healthcare professionals and at-home users. In-person training is also available in Oregon. Check our calendar for details. Learn more about our course offerings or find a certified practitioner.
Want to learn more? Please contact us.